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Spoiler Alert

“Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.” John 3:14

Okay. I admit. When I sit down with my mystery book, the temptation is just too great. I read the last chapter. As I continue to read the book in the “normal” way, it is such fun to see the clues buried in the plot!

Jesus’ words in John 3:14 intentionally give us the end of the story. When we look to the cross, we know our ultimate destiny. With knowing the end of the story, we, like a mischievous mystery reader, can look for clues along the way.

As you continue your Lenten journey, I invite you to put your detective hat on. In the midst of hopeless situations, how does the main character (Jesus!) show his love, mercy, and ultimate victory?

Experience how Jesus, the king of the universe, humbly sits on a donkey in a parade which appears to dead end at the cross. Spoiler alert! That parade celebration will continue for an eternity as we join angels and archangels and all the company of heaven in singing “Hosanna to the highest!”

Hear how Jesus served bread and wine to His disciples at that “last” supper. Spoiler alert! That meal of bread and wine continues to this very day as we celebrate the Holy Eucharist, sustaining us for the journey of faith. The very body and blood of Jesus overflows in love and mercy as Jesus works in and through us. That “last” supper will continue through eternity with a banquet that will never end.

When the plot of your life takes a downward turn, take another peek at the last chapter. Actually, indulge yourself! Treat yourself to more than a peek. Read, mark, and inwardly digest the victory we have through Jesus’ death and resurrection. When you hear that doctor’s prognosis, when you look around and see vacant pews, when you read the headlines, know that that’s not the end of the story. Look to the cross.

The End.

Cantor Jean Boehler

Vice President for Spiritual Life, LWML Atlantic District

Bronx Westchester Zone

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