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The Widow's Mite -Mark 12:41–43 (ESV).
Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth, but she, out of her poverty, put in everything — all she had to live on"


Treasurer's Workshop 

On Tuesday, February 21, 2023 the Lutheran Women in Mission of the Atlantic District offered a workshop to all local leaders, zone leaders, and congregations of the LCMS Atlantic District on the service and work of a treasurer. 

(March 18, 2021)


"Thank you" Template

(March 2023)

PDF for Avery 8315 Notecards 

(February 2023)

PowerPoint (ppt)

Financial Report Template 

Word doc


Financial Report

Excel Spreadsheet




For questions and suggestions, please contact


Lutheran Women's Missionary League Atlantic District

4360 Rev. Theodore Wittrock Crossing | The Bronx, New York | 10466-1804​

© LWML Atlantic District 

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