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Give Up Giving Up—and Get!

Give up giving up on God. Give up giving up on yourself.  Give up giving up on others. 

Jesus says in Mark chapter 8, “But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.” NLT

My father used to say that the Ten Commandments were not so much “have-tos” as “get-tos.”  They are guides given to us by our loving Father to help us.

Giving up my life for the sake of the Good News is to gain in Grace. Giving up giving up on others is to open our arms  as Jesus did on the cross. To give our lives is to open our hearts to pain and unsurpassing joy with others.  

Giving up for Jesus is more like giving to loving parents or grandparents. They give back more than you can ever give them or even know how to give them. Proverbs say how foolish it is to spurn your parents. Who loves you more than they do? Well, God does. He gave His only Son to make your way. Don’t ignore His love. Give it out!

“But if you give up your life for my sake...” As I give up, I get with Jesus.  To give up my life for Jesus’ sake is to seek to follow His first commandment to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.” He makes a way for me! The Way no longer rests on my shoulders but on His. Jesus is my righteousness and life. His love overwhelms me, and He sustains me while serving Him in exciting, frightening, and adventuresome circumstances. We’re anchored in His love. He loved us first. 

Give up and give it all to God. He cares for you.

Giving up my life for the sake of the Good News is to seek to follow the second greatest commandment: love your neighbor as yourself. I give up and get the gift of sharing the most amazing love that humans can experience. I get to share the hope of the living LORD, the One who knows me and knows you—knows our every dream, hope, and need. While I give my life by serving Him, He gives back more than we can ask for or imagine. He doesn't promise all that I want, but He promises more. Reach out and rest in His love. God is faithful.

With a sparkle in his eye, my father used to open his arms wide to his children and say, “I need a hug from a kid!” I imagine Jesus does the same thing, and it started on the cross, where he stretched out His arms to show God’s great love for everyone on earth. 

This Lent, get it. Don’t miss running into the loving arms of Jesus, our living LORD and Savior. He gave up His life for you.

Sheryl Schulze

Spiritual Life Chair

Triune Zone

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