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Be Encouraged

Return to the Lord and take refuge in Him (Psalm 31:1)

This third week of Lent earmarks the halfway point in our journey through the wilderness of the Lenten season.

How are you doing in the Lenten disciplines of praying, fasting and almsgiving?

Has the road been smooth as you increase your time in prayer and the Word? Have you stayed on course with giving up certain foods or activities to focus on Jesus? Have you been on a direct route to giving your time or treasures to those in need?

Perhaps you have veered off onto rocky roads, stumbling as you attempt to pray earnestly, fast consistently and give alms freely. You may have set out determined to persevere through forty days of Lenten disciplines, confident that you will endure the wilderness of Lent, but soon find out that wilderness living is long, dark and dreary.

With temptations to skip prayer time, sneak a taste of that from which you are fasting, or hold back from giving of your time and treasures, your focus on your circumstances takes your focus off of Jesus who redeemed, purchased and freed you from sin, death and the devil with His innocent suffering and death.

Be encouraged. God is present with you in all of your circumstances. He will not leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8). The God of Jacob is your fortress (Psalm 46:11).

Be encouraged. Return to the Lord and take refuge in Him (Psalm 31:1) for He is a rock of refuge for you (Psalm 31:2b). Focus not on the rocky road, but lift your eyes to the hills for your help comes from the Lord (Psalm 121: 1-2).

Be encouraged as you give alms. Be encouraged as you fast. Be encouraged as you pray:

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ strengthen me and keep me during the remainder of this

Lenten journey and beyond. In Your Name I pray. Amen.

Jeanette Coulthurst

Vice President of Mission Outreach

Bronx Westchester Zone President

Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, The Bronx

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