Third week in Advent

Didn’t Jesus already come? But isn’t He with us right now? Wait! Isn’t He coming again? Yes, yes, and yes! That’s the beauty of living in the Advent time warp.
The Advent hymn, “Once He Came in Blessing,” enables us to ponder the mystery of God’s love, a love which knows no bounds and cannot be limited by time.
Jesus Christ: Our past. The first stanza celebrates how Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to be with us on that first Christmas. That moment, which happened over 2,000 years ago, changed everything! It began a course destined for the cross to give us a future full of hope and freedom.
Once He came in blessing, All our sins redressing;
Came in likeness lowly, Son of God most holy;
Bore the cross to save us; Hope and freedom gave us.
Jesus Christ: Our present. Jesus Christ is with us. Right here. Right now. God knows we get so easily distracted and discouraged when our gaze is fixed on this world. The second stanza redirects our gaze to Jesus, who gently leads us in our present reality and gives us food for the journey.
Now He gently leads us; With Himself He feeds us
Precious food from heaven, Pledge of peace here given,
Manna that will nourish Souls that they may flourish.
Jesus Christ: Our future. The third stanza gives us a glorious snapshot of what is to come. Life does not end in the grave. Jesus’ resurrection gives us a future when we shall fully see Christ in all of His splendor and know joy that will have no end.
Soon will come that hour When the mighty power
Christ will come in splendor And will judgment render,
With the faithful sharing Joy beyond comparing.
In this season of the Advent time warp, we marvel at the enormity of God’s love—past, present, and future. We pray fervently for believing hearts, that we may receive the fullness of God’s grace to confess our God, the Alpha and the Omega.
Come, then, O Lord Jesus, From our sins release us.
Keep our hearts believing, That we, grace receiving,
Ever may confess you Till in Heav’n we bless you.
Cantor Jean Boehler
LWML Atlantic District of Vice President for Spiritual Life
St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Yonkers
Bronx Westchester Zone